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Selectmen Minutes 11/24/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 24, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator),  Jim Plunkett, Michele Plunkett, Gil Vien, John Dever, John Martell, Alan Mayville, Bette Bogdan, Richard Halloran, Walter Sanborn, Barbara Frangione, Chad Roberge (Avitar)

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads

Police:  Sergeant Martell was reporting for Chief Clarke.  Officer York was injured by a vehicle while assisting another motorist.  Corporal Corbett has turned in his resignation.  Chief Clarke will need to make adjustments to his budget due to the resignation.  Nancy will give Chief Clarke a date and time for budget review.

Building Inspector:  John Dever reports that a whole kitchen was stolen from a house on Harvest Road.  Mr. Dever is leaving for vacation on December 12th and will return the week following the New Year.  Mr. Dever will be working to get ahead in his work prior to leaving.  

Fire Department:  Chief Vien provided Mr. Pike with an updated roster.  We have twenty-two active members on the Fire Department.  Mr. MacCleery inquired about the roof on the Fire Department and whether or not there needs to be a warrant article for a new roof.  Mr. Vien reports that next year we will be at the fifteen year mark for the roof and it should probably be replaced in the next year.  Nancy will review the CIP report to see if the roof is addressed.  

Highway:  Mr. Plunkett reports there was an incident on Kelley Corner with an excavator that dropped fuel on the road.  Mr. Plunkett has been in contact with the company regarding the spill and repair.  DES has looked at the area and Mr. Plunkett is getting a price for the company.
There was damage to Mason Road were a log truck drove off the side of the road.  Mr. Plunkett will be contacting the logger to make arrangements for the repair of the road.

Mr. Plunkett received a call about the brush on Garvins Hill Road.  The brush needs to be cut back due to a safety issue.  The Selectmen agree that if it is a safety issue the Highway Department should take care of it.

Mr. Plunkett will be doing a final walk over on the Depot Street Bridge. The guardrail installation will start on Monday.

Mr. Plunkett is concerned about a beaver dam on King Street and has been in touch with Fish and Game. The dam is large; close to five feet and is holding back a lot of water.
Mr. Plunkett notified the driver that wanted to exceed the weight limit on Depot Street Bridge that the Selectmen would not allow the vehicle to be over the limit.

Nancy inquired as to whether the Road Agent thought Mr. Dapergolas on Connemara Drive had filled in on the drainage or slope easement that is on his property.  Mr. Plunkett believes he has.  Nancy will send a letter to Mr. Dapergolas.

Other Business

Holiday Pay:  Discussion took place regarding last week’s motion to amend the Holiday Pay policy so that the maximum paid for any Holiday would be eight hours.  Nancy has done research and does not feel it is fair to pay 8 hours to someone who would normally work ten on that day and could possible get a paycheck for 38 hours instead of the regular 40.  There was much discussion about the Friday holidays.  No decisions were made.

Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to rescind last week’s motion to have the holiday pay policy read employees will be paid for their normal working hours on holiday not to exceed eight (8) hours.  Motion Carries.

Avitar:  Chad Roberge from Avitar gave a presentation on the mapping software.  This mapping software is a module to the assessing software that we already use.  It would increase the functionality of the program.  It also has applications that may be useful to Highway, Fire and Police.  Nancy will coordinate a meeting with those departments and Avitar to see if additional modules would benefit those departments as well.  

Gil Vien requested a non-public session to discuss a personnel issue.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (c), a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session to discuss a personnel issue.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea, DeBold - Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session at 8:30 pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea.  Motion passes.

Fire Bill:   Mr. MacCleery spoke with Theresa Brown during the week and advised her to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to talk about her outstanding fire bill.  Ms. Brown felt there was no reason for the fine.  She does not feel there was a fire threat as when she left for work that morning she felt the fire was out.  She alleges that someone may have raked the coals to get the fire going and the Fire Department came while she was at work and she did not find out about the incident until 24 hours later.  Mr. Vien stated that he and Dave Kennelly found the fire.   Mr. Vien said he could smell smoke and when they looked they found two piles burning and could see actual flames.  Ms. Brown was not home at this time. Mr. Vien said it would not be unusual for a fire to go underground and appear to be out then start back up again.  He said that the law states the permit holder must be sure the fire is extinguished by 9am.  There was discussion about the three warnings Ms. Brown has received from the Fire Warden.  The first incident occurred on Labor Day.  The fire had gone underground and started back up.  She received a warning and a fine which she paid for that same day.  During the second incident Ms. Brown was home and saw someone rake up the coals to get the fire going again.  It was also raining on that day.  The Warden gave Ms. Brown a warning, but no fine.  There was much discussion about whether the warning was justified.  The Selectmen will follow up with the Warden regarding the second warning.  The third incident produced another warning and the bill in question.  Because Ms. Brown has received three warnings she is prohibited from obtaining another permit for seven years and that is a State rule.  
Ms. Brown felt that she had done due diligence and the fine is unjustified.
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to reduce Theresa Browns bill to $100.00.  Motion carries.

Audit Proposals:  The Audit proposals were reviewed during the week.  Submissions were as follows:                        

Cost 2009
Cost 2010
Cost 2011
Plodzik & Sanderson
Roberts, Greene, & Drolet PLLC
Melanson & Heath & Company
Graham & Graham
Ron Beaulieu & Company

Mason & Rich (current vendor) would not quote a full audit.  They quoted the alternative services they have been providing to the Town.  The total of all for 2009 - $10,470.00                 

The Treasurer felt that Plodzik, Roberts, or Melanson would be a suitable choice.  Nancy felt that for price and value Plodzik or Roberts would be an excellent choice.  Nancy checked references on both and both came back with good reports.  The monetary difference between both is negligible over the three years.  Plodzik had performed our last complete audit in 2005.  Robert, Green and Drolet is a new company although their partners have many years of experience.
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the audit contract to Plodzik and Sanderson for years ending 2009, 2010, and 2011.  Motion passes.

Town Report Bids:  Nancy received samples and references from Wharf printing.  The references were good.  
Mr. MacCleery made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the 2009 Town Report printing to Wharf Industries Printing for approximately $3,182.00.  Motion carries.
Ms. Bogan asked if the company would provide a few copies of large print for those with disabilities.  Nancy will ask Wharf.

Fire Department: Mr. Vien made a request to the Selectmen for two addition credit card holders for his department.  One for Allan Quimby and one for Joyce Vien, in the event that Gil was not available in an emergency and the department needed supplies.  
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to allow for two additional cardholders, Allan Quimby and Joyce Vien.  Motion carries.

A motion was made by Richard DeBold seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-b, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $2466.56 received from the State of New Hampshire as grants for the provision of Sobriety Checkpoints that were conducted during the 2009 calendar year. Motion carries.

A motion was made by Richard DeBold seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 31:95-b, the Board of Selectmen shall accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $2,681.12 received from the State of New Hampshire as grants for the provision of Corrective Enforcement Patrols that were conducted during the 2009 calendar year.  Motion carries.

Town Report Theme:  Nancy inquired if the Selectmen were in favor of Jamie Pike’s request to make this year's Town Report theme children and have the children in town submit drawings for the report.  The Selectmen were in favor of the request.  They asked that the children be given guidance on the theme and be asked to draw something within the Town of Chichester.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                            Not Yet Approved  
Nancy Tanner

Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman
Jeffrey Jordan
Richard DeBold